Your love has just finished but...
The past week has been hectic to say the least. Well, at least for me anyway. I have been sleeping an average of 4.5 hours for 7 days which is ironically, lesser than during the actual school days! Basically, I had dance practice 8 hours a day for the auditions held 3 days ago. Trust me when I say, PLEASE DO STRETCH AND WARM UP BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. Being the foolish bunch of us, we proceeded straight to dance prior to any warm ups whatsoever. Guess what? The following day, every single one of us had cramps/aches/strains in almost every part of our body and I reckon we could have been the proud advertisers of salonpas! Jokes aside, our aches, well...
Nonetheless, dancing was an enjoyable and convivial experience. It was a welcome change for the previously stressful and agonising countdown to release of promotional results.
And while I am on the subject of dance, Jayne is a kickass dancer! You'll probably go wtfhaxbbq if you see any of her solos and choreography. Ha ha ha, and it was pretty much thanks to her we even got an item to present at the auditions. Speaking of which, the auditions didn't feel like one. In fact, it was probably just a teaser/sneakpeek of what we were going to do on OPENHOUSE which is tentatively on the 12th of Jan! (Btw, this is an obvious hint for all those reading this post now to come down and support us :D)
Its almost 23rd November which means OCIP trip beckons! I'm actually leaving in probably 20 hours time and will be back on the 26th. Please try not to miss me too much as I will be back pretty soon! (Not very soon actually) Pardon me for my "thickskin-ness" if that's actually a real word hah. :P
I am looking forward to this trip because it presents a great chance for T6 to bond once more! We have not gotten too many chances like this so lets make the most out of it people :D
Eagerly anticipating the banter, jokes, games (*coughs* monopoly *coughs) and the sense of achievement after we have made other people's lives better! (crosses fingers for no screwing up)
My my, its been a long while since I posted a long entry like this. Perhaps its because I have been inspired to write. Wait... I have an inspiration to write something?! Dang, thats like
finding kryptonite on planet Earth! Or like
Liverpool actually winning the premiership this season! Ah yes, I love the satirical side of humour. No offense to all my blokes that support Liverpool of course :)
Allow me to have my moment since I'm still reeling from the embarrassing 2-0 defeat at Anfield..
Okay, I shall go put even more salonpas patches on my thighs. Quite frankly, they feel like they have been pounded on by a 3 tonne anvil.
So long folks! See you all in about 4 days.